The following jobs MUST be done prior to departure of ALL groups using the house. Failure to do so WILL result in an additional cost being levied for cleaning. Your cooperation is appreciated.
- All furniture must be laid out as it was found
- Beds must be left tidy with mattress covers straight
- There must be a pillow at the head of every bed
- All bedrooms must be vacuumed
- All landings and stairs are to be vacuumed
- The lounge must be vacuumed
- The fire must be cleaned out and emptied of ash
- The wood for the fire must be replenished
- Books on the book shelves are to be left tidy and upright
- Games must be put away correctly
- All hard floors to be mopped and must be dry before departure
- Bathrooms must be mopped and any soaps etc. removed
- Rubbish must be removed and taken away with you
- All windows are to be shut including the smaller windows
- Any cleaning materials to be put away neatly in the boiler room
- Collected beach material/plants must be removed from the house
- Kitchen cupboards cleared of food – Not ‘left for another group’
- The box must be packed and ready to go for the prearranged time
- Sweep the outside of the property for litter and cigarette ends
- Breakages must be reported to the warden – Failure to do so may incur a financial penalty