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Join the Friends of Lihou. It is your Island, so please support it. Become a ‘Friend of Lihou’ today!


The Lihou Charity LBG is a locally registered charity set up to maintain and operate Lihou House for the benefit of the community. It is available to any family, business, special interest, youth or school group who want to experience the beauty and tranquility of the Island when cut off by the tide. During your time on Lihou you will have the opportunity to: learn about the Island’s fascinating history, explore its many-man-made features or just relax, contemplate and enjoy the stunning views. We call this the ‘The Lihou Experience’.

As a Friend of Lihou you will be involved in helping to:

    • secure the conservation and sympathetic use of Lihou House and its surroundings in keeping with the RAMSAR status of the Island;
    • ensure the provision of facilities and accommodation for any individuals or groups wishing to enjoy the magical qualities of the Island over a high water;
    • maintain Lihou House and its grounds for the benefit of the people of Guernsey;
    • maximise the potential of this unique and invaluable educational resource that is right on our doorstep and provide for a warden who can be on hand when the House is occupied;

    Cost of Membership

    Adults £12 per year, Joint £24 per year or Family £28 per year (2 adults plus any children under 18)

    Membership Benefits

    As a Friend of Lihou you will be entitled to:

      • Children aged 4 and under go free
      • Periodic newsletters regarding the activities of the House
      • Details of fund raising events and Open Days
      • Discounts for some events organised by the ‘Friends of Lihou’
      • Advance notice of bookings for the house

      Plus many more in time!!

      Please request the application form from the warden at [email protected] and once complete it needs to be printed, signed and returned to:-

      Friends of Lihou, Haute Colline, Clos de Colborne, Fort Road, St Peter Port GY1 1ZX

      Thank you