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NOTE: This document is to be used in conjunction with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the above named activity and location

Venue Information

  • Lihou House garden is an enclosed area with walls on three sides
  • The south western wall (butts end) is some 3.8 metres high
  • The south eastern and north western (side) walls are at least 2,5 metres high
  • Access to the area used for archery is from behind the shooting line with only one other access point which is to the north western side and adjacent to the shooting line and clearly visible to all participants and staff

Facilities Information

  • Lihou house is the only property on the island and when the causeway is closed the residents of the house are the only people normally on the island
  • Within Lihou house there is a first aid station that is equipped with a large first aid kit, eye wash facilities and a defibrillator

Archery Activities

To be carried out in accordance with these NOP’s and in conjunction with a current risk assessment relevant to the group and a Emergency Action Plan that is familiar to all

  • Only Grand National Archery Society qualified teacher/leaders or above may run archery sessions for the Lihou Charitable Trust
  • Back stop netting to be used when shooting to prevent miss shots hitting the wall behind
  • Persons under the age of eight (8) not permitted to take part
  • Eye dominance must be checked before any shooting commences
  • No shooting to take place without the session leader present
  • Shooting line at least 10 metres from targets
  • Targets centres mounted a maximum of 1 metre from the ground
  • Dropped arrows more than 1.5 metres in front of the shooting line to be left by participants until instructed to retrieve them
  • Participants under the age of 18 not permitted to use bows with a greater draw weight of 18lbs

Emergency Equipment

  • As per what is in the house

Communications and Parameters

  • Voice/sound signals established and understood – appropriate to the level of understanding of the group
  • Waiting area established
  • Nobody to leave the activity area without approval from the person overseeing the activity
  • Clear and obvious shooting line

In the Event of an Incident or Emergency

  • Refer to the EAP (attached)

Maximum Permitted Archer to Staff Ratio

  • Maximum 1:12 ability of students dictates higher ratios
  • Assistance from qualified or experienced archers always welcome but this does not allow greater ratios – Persons assisting must recognise the qualified session leader as such and not countermand any instructions

Participants Equipment and Clothing

  • Long sleeves and bracers to be worn by all participants
  • No jewellery (including rings and expensive watches) or dangly clothing ties to be worn
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