NOTE: This document is to be used in conjunction with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the above named activity and location
Venue Information
- Large rock pool that is isolated from the sea from one and a half hours either side of high water on spring tides and two hours either side of high water on neap tides
- Rocky approach and surround that can be slippery when wet
- The pool is deep for most of its length but does have isolated boulders strewn throughout its length
- The pool is 41 metres long by 5 metres wide at its widest but 1 metre wide at its narrowest. The pool is 2.5 metres deep at its deepest but mostly 1.8 metres deep
- The water can on occasion be murky and/or be weed strewn
Facilities Information
- Lihou house is the only property on the island and as such is the only facility available
- Lihou house is approximately 450 metres from Venus pool and accessible only when occupied by a group in residence
- Within Lihou house there is a first aid station that is equipped with a large first aid kit, eye wash facilities and a defibrillator
Swimming Activities
- To be carried out in accordance with these NOPs and in conjunction with a current risk assessment relevant to the group and an Emergency Action Plan that is familiar to all
- Swimming to take place in a structured manor and in the clearly defined boundaries of the pool and only under the direct supervision of a supervisor with a minimum of RLSS ERAS award or equivalent with recent local knowledge of Venus Pool
Emergency Equipment
- Fist Aid Kit
- Whistle
- 15 metre throw line (checked and re-packed at the start of a session)
- Group shelter
- Mobile telephone
- Towel
- Other items such as extra warm clothing and a flask should also be close at hand but can be in the house for resident groups
Communications and Parameters
- Whistle commands established and understood – two or more short loud blasts, get out of the water and return to waiting area
- Waiting area established
- Nobody to leave the activity area without approval from the person overseeing the activity
In the Event of an Incident or Emergency
- Refer to the EAP (attached)
Maximum Permitted Swimmer to Staff Ratio
- 1:10 unless weather, activity or ability of students dictates otherwise
- Ability of swimmers should be known beforehand but if not, assessed under close supervision in the shallower part of the pool before activity can commence
Participants Equipment and Clothing
- All participants should have with them on the beach, a towel, change of clothes, a drink and any medication they require
- Rash vests or t shirt should be worn when swimming
- All participants to use a suitable bag to facilitate a free hand when accessing the pool area
The causeway closes approximately 1.5 hours before Venus Pool begins to flood. For groups using the pool who are not staying in the house it is essential that they are aware of the causeway opening/closing times as they may otherwise be cut off by the tide as the causeway is not visible from Venus pool
It is not advisable to use Venus pool once it has started to flood from the rising tide
Venus pool is a popular swimming spot for many during the summer months and as such consideration should be given by groups resident in the house to use the pool between the causeway closing and before it floods to avoid overcrowding and any associated issues
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