NOTE: This document is to be used in conjunction with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the above named activity and location
Venue Information
- A high water swimming venue on Lihou Island that is subject to no significant tidal currents. Useable for approximately 2 hours either side of high water
- Gently shelving with shingle at the head of the beach then becoming course sand with isolated small rocks with predominantly smooth surfaces
- Beach contained on either side by tall rocky outcrops that do not cover
- In strong winds with swell the beach can suffer from a significant wave
- After half tide there is a significant quantity of weed and the bottom becomes rock strewn and unsuitable for swimming
- The beach is 52 metres wide
Facilities Information
- Lihou house is the only property on the island and as such is the only facility available
- Lihou house is approximately 55 metres from Lissroy Beach and accessible only when occupied by a group in residence
- Within Lihou house there is a first aid station that is equipped with a large first aid kit, eye wash facilities and a defibrillator
Swimming Activities
- To be carried out in accordance with these NOPs and in conjunction with a current risk assessment relevant to the group and an Emergency Action Plan that is familiar to all
- Swimming to take place in a structured manor and in the clearly defined boundaries of the beach and only under the direct supervision of a supervisor with a minimum of RLSS ERAS award or equivalent with recent local knowledge of Lissroy Beach
Emergency Equipment
- Fist Aid Kit
- Whistle
- 15 metre throw line (checked and re-packed at the start of a session)
- Group shelter
- Mobile telephone
- Towel
- Other items such as extra warm clothing and a flask should also be close at hand but can be in the house for resident groups
Communications and Parameters
- Hand signals demonstrated, practiced and understood by all
- Swimming boundaries clearly pointed out and obvious
- Whistle commands established and understood – two or more short loud blasts, get out of the water and return to waiting area
- Waiting area established
- Nobody leaves activity area without approval from the person overseeing the activity
In the Event of an Incident or Emergency
- Refer to the EAP (attached)
Maximum Permitted Swimmer to Staff Ratio
- 1:10 unless weather, activity or ability of students dictates otherwise
- Ability of swimmers should be known beforehand but if not, assessed under close supervision in the shallows before activity can commence
Participants Equipment and Clothing
- All participants should have with them on the beach, a towel, change of clothes, a drink and any medication they require
- Rash vests or t shirt should be worn when swimming
- This is a high water swimming venue and as such unsuitable for groups not staying on the island either in the house or camping
- With moderate to fresh onshore winds the beach may experience a significant wave and should be avoided for swimming
- Given the nature of a Lihou high tide swimming location, it is unlikely that any other people, other than those resident in the house or camping, will ever use this bay.
- There are no dogs allowed on Lihou at any time of the year
- There is a six knot limit for motorised craft around the whole of Lihou